| 1. | Global and local fisheries resources are facing major problems 全球及本地渔业资源均面对严重的问题。 |
| 2. | Wwf is addressing the poor state of local fisheries through its sos - save our seas campaign 世界自然基金会透过展开sos -拯救海洋大行动,致力挽救本地渔业的劣势。 |
| 3. | Implementation of the existing fishery laws to combat destructive fishing activities and protect local fisheries resources 执行现行的渔业法例,打击破坏性捕鱼活动,以保护渔业资源;及 |
| 4. | Unselective fishing methods and fry collection during the spawning season compromise the sustainability of the local fisheries industry 一网打尽的捕鱼方式,以及在产卵期间采捕鱼苗,均会削弱本地渔业的可持续发展。 |
| 5. | The afcd would also assess the effect of selected species in enhancing the local fisheries resources and its impact on wild stock and the ecosystem 本署并会评估投放的鱼种,对增加本地渔业资源的成效,以及对天然生长鱼类和生态系统的影响。 |
| 6. | This report provides a road - map that government and other stakeholders can use to choose the best scenario to rebuild the local fisheries without further delay 这份报告为政府和各界人士提供一个蓝图,让我们可以尽快在众多选择中,选取最佳方案。 |
| 7. | " it is part of the government s effort to curb electro - fishing and other destructive fishing practices to help protect local fisheries resources , " he added 此安排为政府保护本地渔业资源,持续打击电鱼及其他具破坏性捕鱼活动的工作项目之一。 |
| 8. | In hong kong to advocate for the reform of local fisheries , including sustainable management and sufficient no - take sanctuaries for fish stocks to rebuild 的持续运动,以推动对本地渔业进行改革,包括采用可持续发展的管理方式及设立足够的禁捕区,让渔产有机会在这些避难所恢复。 |
| 9. | Failure to take timely action to improve our inshore area will adversely affect the sustainability of local fisheries , as well as our efforts on marine conservation 如不及时采取行动改善近岸地区的情况,则会对本地渔业的可持续发展和我们在保护海洋方面所作出的努力有不良影响。 |